Thee 21st Anniversary of New World Brewery
Friday, 8 p.m. $7 adv/$10 dos. 1313 E. 8th Ave., Ybor City.
In a somewhat ironic milestone, a beloved Ybor fancy-beer purveyor, restaurant and music venue finally reaches the legal drinking age for humans this weekend, and everybody knows how celebratory that particular birthday can be. Friends and regulars old and new alike will gather Friday evening for Thee 21st Anniversary of New World Brewery to pay tribute to one of the district’s longest-running and most community-friendly hotspots with some craft brews, camaraderie and a wildly eclectic lineup of performances that runs the gamut from folk and pop to edgy hip-hop, and includes Dropin Pickup, Lauris Vidal, QueenOfEx Carter, Science and Someday River. Come raise a glass in honor of glasses raised before, and the many more yet to come.