10/100/1000 Challenge: Great green ideas for Tampa Bay

  • Free the Spring is a "is a deconstruction project" to allow the naturally warm waters of Sulphur Springs to flow free, thus becoming a natural winter habitat and viewing location for manatees.

Have a great idea? Start your application now! (And once you’ve submitted, encourage your friends and allies to click the Vote Now! button on your project page.)

The 10/100/1000 Challenge is an initiative of Creative Loafing and Creative Tampa Bay: 10 ideas, 100 days, one $1,0000 winner. We’re looking for great ideas to improve life in Tampa Bay — whether through programs that are already underway or  proposals for future projects. Deadline for submission is March 31; the top 10 (including one winner determined by reader vote) will be announced on April 7; and the recipient of the $1,000 prize from Creative Tampa Bay will be announced April 14.

Almost three weeks into the 10/100/1000 Challenge and we've garnered a varied list of eco-conscious proposals in the Environment category. These are just some of the numerous hopefuls with ideas to make Tampa Bay a better place to live who need your votes to help see their ideas come to fruition. You can read and vote on the proposals, and submit your own great ideas, at cltampa.com/ten100.

In this category, the biggest vote-getters thus far are The Roosevelt 2.0, with their edifice that is a "live demonstration of urban sustainability" that acts as a venue for local artists and educational workshops, and Code Green Community's sustainable projects.

Other "green" proposals include:


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