The Miami Herald's Beth Reinhard reports today in a story entitled, "State CFO Sink painted as silent on tough issues" about the CFO's reluctance to disclose how much campaign contributions she's received from the political action group Emily's List, which supports candidates who believe in abortion rights.
That's somewhat interesting, but only in the respect that it comes on top of Sink's refusal to say anything about a government run public health option, which as I have reported in another posting today, has strong support amongst the American public, at least according to a new survey.
But some Democrats don't support a public option, and virtually every Republican is against it, including Sink's potential GOP opponent in next year's gubernatorial race, Attorney General Bill McCollum.
But what's frustrating (though not to any state Democrat that I talk to, because they all are in blind support of a candidate that they see as finally breaking through what wil have been 12 years of Republican rule) is that Sink has yet to offer any comments on the issue.
To be fair (as Reinhard reports), McCollum is taking a no comment stance on a proposed constitutional amendment that would define a fetus as a person - even though he co-sponsored such a proposal while he served in Washington.
Many of those present earlier this month in Lake Buena Vista where state Democrats convened for their annual conference had no problems in letting Bill Nelson know that he should support a public option. And with no serious challengers in the Democratic race for the nomination, CFO Sink is probably not being hurt by not commenting. But shouldn't her supporters want to know where she stands on the issue?
Meanwhile, a potential threat to both Sink and McCollum's dreams of living in the Governor's mansion is Lakeland GOP state Senator Paula Dockery, who tells the St. Petersburg Times that she is 'leaning very heavily' towards entering the GOP Primary for Governor. I know this news excites some state Republicans who are not convinced that McCollum can beat Sink. Maybe I'm the only guy who thinks this, but I also believe Dockery would be a legitimate challenge to Sink. Again, in conversations with state Democrats earlier this month, very few if any that I asked said they worried too much about the Lakeland legislator.
But It seems to me that the way they've been rolled in state politics over the past decade, the last thing state Dems should be is overconfident about anything.