If you absolutely have to get rid of your electronics, please recycle them properly and don't just throw them in the trash. There are plenty of options to choose from, like sending it to companies who will recycle them for you (sometimes free of charge) or dropping them off at Best Buy or Staples who will recycle them for you.
Do you really need that new model iPhone or the latest game console? Take a look at the gadgets you currently have: cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, game systems, etc., and ask yourself: "Is it still working? Do I really need to upgrade to the newest model if this one is working just fine?"
Holding off on buying new electronics not only saves you money, it also saves resources and keeps more electronics out of landfills (and from leaching harmful chemicals into the soil and water table).
Take it from the site Last Year's Model, who encourages people to "save the planet through sheer laziness", and check out their great excuses for keeping that old tech stuff. You can also share your story about how you're using old gadgets instead of upgrading to new ones. (This is where I can brag about my almost 5 year-old iPod that I still use daily.)