Florida’s other giant grocery chain, Winn-Dixie, will soon be inoculating residents.
Winn-Dixie’s parent company, Southeastern Grocers now says 8,100 Moderna vaccines will be available starting Feb. 11.
The vaccines will be free, with or without insurance, and available to residents 65 and older, health care workers, and residents and staff of long-term care facilities. Reservations are required and will be available through an online portal.
The Jacksonville-based company did not say exactly which locations will offer the vaccines, but says its other grocery chains will participate in the program, including Fresco y Más and Harveys Supermarkets.
Locations and appointment availability will be posted to each grocery chain's site at a later date:
- Winn-Dixie: winndixie.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine
- Fresco y Más: frescoymas.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine
- Harveys Supermarket: harveyssupermarkets.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine
The vaccines are being distributed by the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, in partnership with the CDC, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, and the Florida Dept. of Health.
“The State of Florida is proud to partner with Winn-Dixie, Fresco y Más and Harveys Supermarkets to provide eligible Floridians across the state access to the vaccine,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a statement. “We look forward to collaborating and expanding these efforts, together.”
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