Live from New York...

The Studio@620 is proving to be the place in St. Petersburg to find cool, unusual happenings, from film noir festivals to video installations to world music concerts. The gallery-cum-performance space hosts its most intriguing event to date with the Fanatic Voyage Show, a multimedia exhibit showcasing the works of six New York City talents: Steve Ellis, Carlucci, Dave Vulcan, Philly/Kondor 8, Jack Robinson and Daniel Pittman. Each uses a different approach — urban punk, pop realism, graffiti, surrealism and other modern techniques — to explore societal themes like "Paradise Lost" and "Political/Natural Disasters." We suggest hitting up the opening night reception, which begins at 6 p.m. Sat., Jan. 28, and features a special performance by avant-garde noise collective Infinity SS. No, we can't tell you what they do exactly, but we can tell you that they're not a band, do not play songs, like audience participation and describe their racket as "an organ of suppression and release." We like 'em already. Through Feb. 18, noon-4 p.m. Tues.-Sat., 620 First Ave. S., St. Petersburg, free admission (donations appreciated), 727-895-6620,


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