Hey now, y'all excited about tonight's New Hampshire Primary?
Why should anyone? Unless the voters of New Hampshire (who we're told take their first-in-the-nation primary status seriously) stun the world, we're looking at another Mitt Romney victory in his inevitable rise to the nomination in Tampa. Will this still be a race in Florida in three weeks? A poll out Monday says Mittens is now the Man down here in the Sunshine State as well.
There was a very interesting meeting held between the Pinellas and Hillsborough County transportation agencies on the whole idea of them consolidating. The verdict? Not much interest by the main players.
Congresswoman Kathy Castor and USF officials were in downtown Tampa Monday boasting about the economic benefits coming the Tampa Bay area's way with the opening of a new medical education facility next month.
And we listened to Dick Greco's new radio show yesterday, where he and current Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn told each other for an hour how great they both are.