Pinellas and Hillsborough Democrats outnumber Republicans in latest early and mail-in voting tally

Statewide, Republicans hold a 63,537 lead.

click to enlarge Pinellas and Hillsborough Democrats outnumber Republicans in latest early and mail-in voting tally
Erik (HASH) Hersman via Flickr/Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Florida spreadsheet watchers, here are the latest early voting and mail-in ballot numbers for you.

A Friday morning report from the Florida Division of Elections shows that 460,593 Hillsborough and Pinellas County voters have either early voted or turned in their mail-in ballots.

Of that total, 179,843 belong to Republicans while 192,394 belong to Democrats. Voters belonging to another party and those with no party affiliation account for 88,356 of those early and returned main-in ballots.

That 12,551 ballot lead for Democrats is a change from an October 23 report that found Pinellas and Hillsborough Democrats slightly outnumbered after first day of early and mail-in voting.

Statewide, however, Republicans hold an advantage with 1,555,374 in the early vote and returned mail-in ballot race while Democrats have seen 1,491,837 from their party do the same. That's a difference of just 63,537 if you're keeping score or think that your vote doesn't count.

Just three days of early voting are left before the November 6 midterm, but if we assumed a party line vote, disregarded no party and other party ballots and tallied it all up today, then that blue wave the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee keeps talking about really feels more like a drip.

There are a few wild cards in all of this number crunching, however.

One of them is obviously day-of turnout, which traditionally favors Democrats — but then again what's been traditional about our politics these days anymore?

Another is the 1.4M still unreturned mail-in ballots (481,505 Republican; 597,745 Democrat), and the doozy is the voters who have no party affiliation.

The number of voters with no party affiliation who have already early voted or turned in mail-in ballots is 652,919 while 341,947 have yet to return their ballots.

See the full report via and get more information on early voting, which runs through Sunday. Have a look at CL's Florida 2018 midterms voting guide, too.


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Ray Roa

Read his 2016 intro letter and disclosures from 2022 and 2021. Ray Roa started freelancing for Creative Loafing Tampa in January 2011 and was hired as music editor in August 2016. He became Editor-In-Chief in August 2019. Past work can be seen at Suburban Apologist, Tampa Bay Times, Consequence of Sound and The...
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