Looking to resist but need a way to do it that's meaningful? Here's a sampling of ways you can get involved this week.
May 8
Andrew Gillum Meetup
Our Revolution for Governor of Florida has endorsed Andrew Gillum for governor; at this event learn about local campaign efforts and how you can help. This event is open to all but geared towards people who have not yet attended a meetup. Cocktails and food available.
Callaloo, 642 22nd St. S., St. Pete. 7-8:15 p.m. RSVP here.
May 9
Hillsborough County LGBTA Democratic Caucus
On the agenda: Prep for St. Pete Pride and a candidate forum for thee US Congressional races, with Kristen Carlson (FL-15),Jan Schneider (FL- 16) and Robert Tager (FL-12) on hand to answer questions. Submit questions in advance here, or write them the night of the event. Bistro Italia, 4500 W. Cypress Ave., Tampa. 6-8:30 p.m. RSVP here
St. Pete Postcard Party
Postcards, stamps and pens provided at this weekly gathering where writers encourage folks to vote on progressive issues. Stay for all or part of the event. Park at the north lot at Haines Rd. and 12th St. N. and come in through the glass doors under the green awning. Allendale UMC, 3803 Haines Rd. N., St. Pete. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. RSVP here.
May 10
Here Comes the Judge Judicial Mixer
Meet the judicial candidates, eat free apps and listen to music from DJ Double Up. The following candidates have vowed to attend: County Court Group 2, Lisa Allen, Adam Bantner and Greg Green; County Court Group 5, Jared Smith and Bill Yanger; County Court Group 8, Jack Gutman, Michael Isaak and Lashawn Strachan; and Circuit Court 13 Group 25, Cissy Boza-Sevelin, Starr Brookins, Robin Fuson and James Moody.
The Attic Cafe, 500 E. Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 400, Tampa. 6-9 p.m. $10 donation for Miracles Outreach, a local nonprofit services domestic violence and sex trafficking victims. RSVP here.
May 12
Temple Terrace Democrats Canvassing
Join the first canvass of the 2018 election season in southwest Temple Terrace. Russ Patterson, Hillsborough County Democratic State Committeeman, will train everyone present. The order of events is such: breakfast, canvass, lunch — because democracy requires a full stomach! Tacoson Mexican Grill, 7521 N. 56th Street, Tampa. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. RSVP here.
May 15
Gun Control in Our Schools
Hear what candidates for the Pinellas County School Board think and feel about gun control — and some other issues, too. North Pinellas County Democratic Club, Foundation for Scottish Arts, 1134 N. Douglas Ave., Dunedin. 6-8 p.m. RSVP here.