Sh*t Happened 3/21/17: Drunk couple loses kid, Channelside residents want a 4-way stop, burned Ybor building totaled

Hey, I've been away for a while and just wanted to check back in and see if maybe humanity has gotten any — no? The same or worse, you say? Oh. Oh, OK then.

Here's a heartwarming little family story from the weekend that got some media attention yesterday: A Palm Harbor couple brought their 5-year-old son to a local brewery tasting room ("just after midnight"), then got shitfaced and lost him as the wife passed out and threw up while the husband physically fought with staff and customers. We can argue endlessly about whether or not we personally believe children belong in environments like brewery tasting rooms, family-friendly as many of them are, but I think we can all agree that 5-year-olds do not belong anywhere "out" after midnight, or in the exclusive care of these two charming human slurry ponds at all.

Channelside residents want a four-way stop sign at 12th Street and Whiting. Because when you run into a conflict between people who don't know how to cross the street and people who don't know how to drive, the obvious solution is to implement a traffic-flow regulator that only one in six Americans knows how to navigate correctly.

And finally, the owners of the Ybor City building that formerly housed Ybor Resort & Spa and burned twice in the past 10 days say the damage has rendered a remodel impossible, and that the building, built in 1904, will have to be torn down. Nice things, our inability to have them, etc.