Letters to the Editor

The Other Side

Re: "Cold War Fallout" a letter to the editor by Lester Bowles (May 31-June 6)

Might it be self-serving to publish a doubtless, congratulatory letter to the editor in response to the editor's April article on Cuba? But at least we are fortunate enough to entertain viewpoints openly.

Let's see: "aging right-wing fanatics," "deranged well-to-do minority" are among the words the letter writer chooses to convey perspective. I wonder about his ability to recognize what is or isn't "balanced."

Your newspaper can be fun, useful for movie and play times, with quirky stories too. For measured political analysis of an international sort, I'll look elsewhere.

E. Abislaiman
Via e-mail

A Toast to Florida Wine

Re: "Vintage Florida" by David Jasper (May 24-30)

Can't tell you how much I enjoyed your article, especially since I have visited Lakeridge and just this past winter, we visited the Fiorelli winery and this was an absolute joy, as Antonio spent about two hours with our foursome explaining every facet of his operation. We purchased two cases of his wines and were more than satisfied. The Blanc du Bois was very good and also the Muscadine Blush.

Ed Costello
Via e-mail