Kyle Dunlap - Contributor

I’m your average twenty-something malcontent. I’ve been out of the United States once. I like to eat random and fun foods. My idea of a fantastic time is either playing board games with my best friends or shopping at extremely campy stores (such as the World of Disney) with aforementioned friends. I have a birthmark on my right leg that looks conspicuously like New Zealand.

I’m a technology nerd, so much so that I tend to bore others with my conversations. I grew up in Philadelphia, so I still utter phrases like “caw-fee” and “watah”. I’ve grown up in the country all my life, so cities set me on edge.  I’ve been writing since I was nine, but not really well until high school. I’m working towards being a college professor. I may seem like a sweetheart, but I am usually as vulgar as a sailor. I enjoy cinema, and will watch a movie numerous times to catch the flavor and nuance. Religion killed my self-esteem. And, finally, I’m gay. If there’s anything more that you would like to know, just write me.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @dunlapw
