3 Guys & Chuck The Podcast - "Chuck Vs. First Class"

3 Guys and Chuck is back, this time reviewing the Superman-filled episode entitled "Chuck Vs. First Class." This week, we talk about the new guest stars — Agent Shaw, played by Brandon Routh, and Hannah, played by Kristin Kreuk — and whether they are good or bad. (In the spy world, you never can tell.) We also discuss whether those car commercials with the cast of Chuck are really a good idea.

What's that? You didn't see this week's episode so you don't want to listen to the podcast? Good news! I have embedded the entire episode (available on Hulu) after the jump. Watch it, then listen to the podcast. Honestly, you have no excuse now.

And talk back in the comments section. We want to hear from you, Chuck fans!

Download the podcast here.