The Dark Knight Rises trailer lands online

Your first look at Christopher Nolan's third (and final) Batman film.

  • As Gotham decays, a certain bat heads for the skies …

They're already calling 2012 the year of the "Super Hero Summer," and no comic book adaptation is more anticipated than Christopher Nolan's third (and final) Batman flick, The Dark Knight Rises. The fan community has been obsessing over every aspect of the film as if it's a religious text, but until now there has been nothing official to build interest. Coupled with the release of the first poster for the film (pictured above), the following teaser trailer for Dark Knight Rises blends footage from Nolan's previous two Batman films with blink-and-you-miss-'em shots of Rises, including a few glimpses of new villain Bane (Tom Hardy). (Sadly, Anne Hathaway's Catwoman is nowhere to be seen.)

Check out the trailer below, and let me know what you think. Will The Dark Knight Rises only be an awesome superhero sequel or will it be the greatest superhero sequel ever?