The TENORI-ON: You can own one for only $999

Last week, while writing about the BBC's number one pick for its 'Sound of 2009' artists to watch in the New Year series, I discovered a new digital musical instrument, the TENORI-ON, one among many of th in the high-tech gadgetry that creates music in a 21st Century, because if we aren't evolving and creating new instruments by now, we'd be some sorry ass humans,

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The digital musical instrument was the result of a collaboration between media artist Toshio Iwai and Yamaha . A 16x16 matrix of LED switches allows everyone to play music intuitively, creating a "visible music" interface.

The TENORI-ON is a unique 16 x 16 LED button matrix performance instrument with a stunning visual display. For DJs & producers it is a unique performance tool enabling them to perform using MIDI and load the TENORI-ON with samples to 'jam / improvise' within their set BPMs.

The Video, it seems lame at first but watch it all the way through, it gets pretty cool!

with the technology we have now, it's surprising I haven't seen more musical advancements. I mean, back in '04, I saw a show with Perpetual Groove in which the band had set up a cross promotional deal with XX to tour with digital surround sound, pimpin XX while offering the greatest sound imaginable. And it was pretty damn great sound. Much to my syurprise, this technology hasn't caught on because I still go to plenty of shows where the sound has some royal suckage and I wonder, why aren't more groups making deals like that? And why aren't more groups incoroating these intruments? They are. sort of way series of instruments