No mercy

"The current treatment of those considered 'sexual criminals' is totally cruel and unusual. The only reason that these people are treated so unjustly is because it is taboo to stick up for their cause. So they just keep on being treated like second class citizens. ... Why do we try to reform them anyways? Why don't we just kill them? It would be a lot easier than dealing with the fact that our prison system has absolutely no answer for people who suffer from this mental disease."

—"farnoun," on's Sept. 18 story, "Lacking Income, Sex Offender Lives Under Crosstown"

"Zero sympathy. The man's a sexual predator. He made that choice. Now he has to live with the consequences. Sexual predators can't be cured. It's been proven over and over. I personally would have no problem with a death sentence for predators, but only it were carried out with an amount of pain and suffering equal to or greater than the suffering of their victims."

—"unlokit," on

"I'm doing everything in my power to keep my sanity. I was better off in prison than under this place. ... I'm not saying I was a perfect angel all my life. But there's people who want to change their lives. Every door I go to, I turn the knob, it opens for a split second and it slams in my face."

—Zackery Hicks, who spent 14 in years in jail on a robbery charge and is a registered sex offender, on why he lives in an open field under the Selmon Crosstown Expressway