Wanna Own a Wine Bar?

Dixon Smith, former General Manager of Charlie's Wine Cellar and Wine Bar in SoHo (next to the now defunct Whaley's), sent out a plea this morning to generate investors:

"I am trying to raise investment dollars to renew the lease and re-stock the wine shop and wine bar. I know economic times are tight right now, but so many of you have asked me to try and re-open Charlie's.  To this end, I have a few investors already on board and want to offer all previous customers an opportunity to own a piece of Charlie's.  There is a well thought out and positive investment return business plan developed.  I will be most happy to email it to you or talk to you about it in person.  Should you desire more information about our plan feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at (813) 944-9792."