Poet's Notebook: Let's give everyone a gun

Oddly enough, Americans were rocked and shocked by three recent shootings — at the military recruitment center in Little Rock, the abortion clinic in Wichita and the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. I write "oddly" because these are little red droplets in the bucket of American society. We've lost our way in some violent wilderness, where we can't see the forest for the trees.

Everyone knows that over 3,000 civilians were killed on 9/11, and over 4,000 soldiers killed in the Iraq war — but how many know that America regularly has over 16,000 murders per year, often over 20,000? Among so-called civilized countries, we're the world champions.

This isn't new news, and it's clear that the suggested solutions aren't going to happen. We're simply not going to limit our ability to get hold of any kind of weapon: that seems to be unAmerican.

So here's my idea. As all the wisest self-help gurus advise, it's healthiest to go with the flow (a rather literal flow, in this case). Since we can't beat the NRA or the gun-suppliers, we should do the only sensible thing, and join them.

My proposal is to arm every man, woman and child in the United States.