South Florida Democrats trash Paul Ryan budget

  • Paul Ryan

On Tuesday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan released his new budget plan, called The Path to Prosperity. Perhaps predictably, it was promptly slammed by Democrats.

Under his plan, federal debt would be reduced from 73 percent of GDP at the end of FY 2012 to 62 percent in 2022. It would do so by block-granting and reducing Medicaid, repealing provisions in President Obama's signature health care bill, and substantially cutting domestic spending.

It also would simplify the tax code for individuals — dropping the six current rates at which personal income is taxed down to just two —10 percent and 25 percent.

But the key question in our incredibly divided capital is simple: Does the plan have a chance of getting through both houses of Congress and being signed into law by President Obama?

Based on the reaction on the left, the answer would be no.