Four Loko controversy continued: Are the newly formulated drinks worth drinking anymore?

Over the last several months, the creators of Four Loko have been getting slammed with bad media. Enraged parents have put the blame on the alcoholic and caffeinated drink as a reason for teenage causalities in underage drinking. Police and government officials alike have even moved to ban the product in numerous states. Ultimately, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) put an end to Four Loko’s party mix with threats to deem the beverage—and beverages like it—unsafe in December 2010. As a result, the creators stopped the shipment of the original drink and have taken out the caffeine ingredient all together in their newest version.

The original Four Lokos used to be a high-alcohol, high-caffeine beverage. But many—media and government officials—have claimed the drink as a toxic cocktail after viewing the content label more closely: one 23.5 ounce can of Four Loko contained as much alcohol content as six cans of Bud Light beer, and more than an 8 ounce cup of coffee's equivalence in caffeine. With the nix on the caffeine content, many consumers believe the drink is not worth drinking.