Bill's Sports Binge: Red Sux redux

And reduced, too, thanks to the Rays and James Shields.

A few weeks ago I wrote a column about the elitist Tampa Bay transplant sub-human sub-culture who intermittently noise-pollute our city when New York or Boston teams blow into town with unsolicited and uninteresting jabs at us for basically being inbred hillbillies who know nothing of what it's like to be "real fans." Some douche named Dean emailed my personal Facebook page and couldn't have illustrated my point better if I'd paid him. He pulled out everything from the Civil War to the 2000 election and capped it off with, "At least WE don't abandon OUR teams when they suck." He lives in Tarpon Springs. I guess WE refers to the voices in his head and I'm not a real Tampa Bay fan unless I move away. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Attention Northeast transplants: We never asked what you think. We don't care what you think.