At least I'm not a Pig Wanker

It has come to my attention (thanks Kelli) that I hold the #16 spot on a list of worst jobs. According to The Idler Book of Crap Jobs, by Dan Kieran, being an Editorial Assistant is both “humiliating” and “soul-destroying,” and is sandwiched between Geriatric Nurse and Spy. I suppose doing the Soundboard is slightly better than changing bedpans.
My favorite job on the list, Pig Wanker — a job which I had no idea existed nor can I figure out why it would — ranks only slightly worse (#10) than EA.
The rest of you should be thrilled to learn that Journalist came it at #95 (just behind Detergent Salesman) and is considered only “humiliating” and “futile.” I guess you should at least be grateful that it’s not destroying your soul.