Television review: TBS's Glory Daze, Pilot episode (with video)

I’m sure everyone has seen the movie Animal House by now, or at least one of the hundreds of imitators it spawned, like American Pie. Well, have you ever thought "Gee, that would make a sweet show, but they should do it in the ‘80s, when everything was cooler?’ If you have, then you should check out Glory Daze on TBS, starting Tues., Nov 16 at 8 p.m.

Glory Daze starts off by introducing a few freshman to the campus, each fitting a standard archetype perfectly. We have the Asian, the jock, the geek and the guy trying to get laid. After a really funny scene with Brad Garrett as a parent, the show establishes the school setting by introducing a hilarious professor played by Tim Meadows (SNL, Ladies Man). Fully ensconced in their collegiate setting, the freshman next try to find a fraternity to pledge. They come upon what might as well be the Delta house from Animal House, which includes a giant beer bong, people smoking pot, hot women and all around Tom Foolery.