Bob Hackworth says he needs to correct the record with Susan Latvala

Last week former Dunedin Mayor and now Pinellas County Commission hopeful Bob Hackworth dished out some strong criticism of his possible GOP opponent in the fall, Republican Susan Latvala, after she reported on her first quarter fund-raising and fundraisers.

To quickly recap, Hackworth  charged that a majority of Latvala's  money raised came from developers, contractors, corporations and political action committees,  and said that “this raises the perception of who Susan Latvala is really serving on the County Commission.”

That prompted Latvala to respond in kind, calling Hackworth a hypocrite, basically.

“In all of Mr. Hackworth’s campaigns, he excepted donations from any citizen who offered—while Mayor and running for Congress, he accepted $1,000 from George Radhert, who had purchased the old Fenway hotel property and was trying to get a zoning change.  Bob voted in favor of the zoning change.  Check his financial reports, he talks out of both sides of his mouth."