House Rules

NO EMAILS, por favor

C'mon, gang, this thing ain't live. If you want to make changes to it, figure out a name, and a design theme (personally, I think tacky Florida would be awesome), and then we can have one big long blog talk.

Add suggestions to this post instead of sending me 100 emails. I get lots of emails; it's easier to follow one train of thought on the blog. Plus, this way you don't overlap each other.


You may be blogging, but you are still *publishing* for Creative Loafing Media. Which means we can still get sued if you use copyrighted images without permission on the web.

Don't give me any claptrap on the likelihood of being sued. We have the same legal standards for publication in print and online. You are not allowed to use images without permission.

Here's what to do:

a) get permission

b) use images you have permission for ... a good place to look is Flickr. Images marked with certain Creative Commons licenses can be used online. It's good etiquette to send someone a link to let them know what you've used.

c) don't use images you don't have permission for.


Yep. Same idea as above. *Someone* must act as the editor for the blog, reading all posts before they go live, ensuring that images are ok for publication, and in general being the scapegoat for all things that Max does wrong. I suggest not Max.

This ain't live yet ...

Which is why you are using illegal images and not being edited. Before we go live, all of the above must be addressed.