Free Shit: Get a ride (and tow) safely home after Halloween

What’s better than a free cab ride when you’re sloshed at one of those crazy holiday parties?

A free tow!

If you’re a little hesitant about taking a cab ride home because don’t want to leave your car somewhere sketchy, AAA and Budweiser has partnered up for a free tow service that will take you and your car safely home. “Tow to Go” is free, open to AAA non-members and its 100 percent confidential.

So far, Tow to Go has safely removed more than 8,300 drunk drivers from the roads over its 10 year history.

Halloween is one of those heavily “celebrated” holidays, so they’re offering the service tomorrow night through Nov. 2. Take advantage of it by calling 1-800-AAA-HELP. Put it in your phone now and drink to your hearts content!