Mixing business with pleasure: an interview with the author of 'Kiss Your Customer'

In Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships, Andy Masters explores how strategies for romancing a love interest can also be used to charm a client.

Shawn Alff: How important is actual seduction and appealing to a potential client’s carnal side when trying to close a deal? Ethically speaking, where should salespeople draw the line when using their sex appeal to get ahead in business?

Andy Masters: There certainly is an ethical line to be drawn when it comes to seduction and sales. And it has become even more dangerous to cross this line in the last decade or two with sexual harassment lawsuits, political correctness, and even outlets such as social media and search engines—in which inappropriate activity can be blasted all across the Internet for future clients or companies to see. With that being said, there's a reason why many sales reps across many, many industries just "happen" to be many of our most attractive people in society. We, as consumers and buyers, are often more welcoming to attractive people. Interestingly, I have spoken with more than one very attractive female salesperson who intentionally don't dress provocatively, or even do their hair up, because they want to prove their success through merit, not because they are hot.