Why the World Cup may force me to turn off Twitter for a month

There are typically two ways to experience the really big sporting event you can't attend and also can't watch live on television. One option: Let the updates come to you in realtime via friends, TV, the Internet, etc. and watch the game later knowing the outcome. The other option involves shutting out all contact with the world until you can get home and watch it on your favorite DVR. I'm the type of sports fan who typically goes with the latter option — I like to go in fresh. But what to do in the age of Twitter updates?

The 2010 FIFA World Cup kicks off today from South Africa and runs through July 11 with all matches in the US appearing on the ESPN and ABC's family of channels. Estimates for the expected global TV viewing audience number in the hundreds of millions, but for those of us in the States, the matches will mostly take place during the week, and during morning work hours.

Avoiding World Cup score updates from coworkers may not be an issue if your workplace comprises non-soccer fans. But what if you're plugged into to your favorite social networks during the day — especially the ones that update in realtime, like Twitter and Facebook? Turning them off for a day is one thing, but if you stay logged out of Facebook for 30 days your friends may report you missing to the police.

There is another way. All games can be watched live, on the Internet (CL is not advocating you do this instead of your work):