Louis C.K. bows out of DC political event after Greta Van Susteren threatens boycott

  • Louis C.K

Last Thursday Fox News host Greta Van Susteren blogged that she was going to boycott attending the 68th annual Radio & Television Congressional Correspondents dinner because comedian Louis C.K was hosting.

Van Susteren wrote:

The headliner of this year’s Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner is “comedian” Louis C.K. Comedian? I don’t think so. Pig? yes.

He uses filthy language about women…..yes, the C word…and yes, even to describe a woman candidate for Vice President of the United States. It isn’t just Governor Palin he denigrates. He denigrates all women and looks to the crowd to laugh.

I refuse to show any support for this guy or for the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner Committee who hired him. I think the organization that hired him is just as bad as he is. It is no secret that he denigrates women.

Late on Friday, Louis C.K said he was backing out of hosting the Washington D.C. shindig.