Oracle of Ybor: In the new year, fuck a job, man

click to enlarge Things do have to change. - Photo via Slava/Adobe
Photo via Slava/Adobe
Things do have to change.
Dear Oracle, I’m wondering if I’ll change jobs next year. I might be forced out of my current job. Should I jump ship first and go for a corporate job to make more money, or should I stay the course?—New Horizons?

Cards: The Sun, Eights of Pentacles (reversed), Nine of Wands, Five of Swords (reversed)

Dear New Horizons, to paraphrase Emmylou Harris, I think you’re looking for water from a deeper well. I don’t think you’re looking for a better job so much as you’re looking for both joy and recognition in your life.

The Sun is the first card of this spread and the only Major Arcana. The image is of a happy baby, riding a fat little pony as the sun beams down all beatific upon him. We want to be that happy baby, having a joyous romp, but part of that happiness comes from being watched by the sun. It’s a card of joy and feeling seen and recognized for our accomplishments.

It wouldn’t surprise me if you don’t feel valued at your current job. You mention that you might be “forced out,” which doesn’t happen to people held in high esteem and that cards show a frustrating pattern.

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With the Eight of Pentacles reversed, I’m guessing that you’ve worked hard at your job for years. You’ve given a lot to it and are particularly good at what you do. You’re a master of your craft. And what do you get in return? Five of Swords reversed. Competition and pettiness, with cutthroat co-workers who try to undermine you—and, possibly, some less-than-ideal coping mechanisms and communication on your end. (Are you perhaps a bit more judgmental of others and more critical of yourself than you’d like to be?)

Feeling like you have to fight for your seat at the table is hardly a positive work environment, and that can affect the rest of our lives outside of work. Something has to change.

The good news is, it will. The Nine of Wands is a card of breakthroughs, positive change, and hope. (It’s also a card of exhaustion, so this probably won’t be the smoothest of transitions.) It comes under The Sun, meaning you’ll have to make those changes to get that joy and recognition. Does it mean jumping ship? Possibly. If the current job feels too toxic to save, it’s probably the best option.

But I also encourage you to think about what changes you could make outside of work that would help you feel seen and joyful. A good job can only be so fulfilling—and jobs end. You’ll need something to carry you through your next job, weekend, and retirement. It might be worth seeing a therapist if that’s an option or perhaps starting a mindfulness practice that lets you dig deep and see what you’re truly looking for.

Whatever it is, I hope you find it. Best of luck, my dear.

Dear Oracle, I’ve been a teacher for 32 years, and the past few years have been incredibly stressful. Between unsupportive parents to administration, I’m not sure how much more I can handle. Can I make it through the next two years to retirement?—Teacher in Tampa

Cards: The Moon (reversed), Seven of Wands (reversed), Queen of Swords (reversed), Eight of Cups

Dear Teach, thank you so much for your service over the past 32 years and especially for your work over this pandemic. To say, “this hasn’t been easy” is such an understatement, it’s comical.

These past years have been profoundly wounding, both for the mind and the spirit, which we can see with The Moon reversed. You have given so much of yourself to this job, and that effort has not been matched or appreciated by parents or admin. That’s a betrayal, and I’m so sorry for that.

Will you be able to survive the next two years? Of course. You’re the Queen of Swords—you have courage, smarts, and a spine of steel. But plenty of Prisoners of War survive their internment only to lose it when they get home, so the goal is not just for you to drag yourself across the finish line in two years but to finish as a healthy, whole human being.

Things do have to change. With the Seven of Wands, you are rightfully at a turning point, and what has been “working” isn’t cutting it anymore. If you keep going on as you have been, you’ll fall off the edge.

The Eight of Cups is a card of taking a new path and having new options. Since the cups are also a suit of relationships, this could mean asking for help to see or access those options.
Being the Queen of Swords, asking for help may not come naturally to you, but it’s necessary. This could be in the form of a therapist or some sort of administrative support or support of family and friends in your life outside of school. You need support right now across spectrums.

If it feels selfish, try tricking yourself into it by reminding yourself that if you’re burnt out, you can’t take care of others.

It also might be worth examining expectations and meeting the world where it’s at. It’s not that you should expect the worst, but if you know that no matter what you do, you can’t make these shitty parents happy, then perhaps you can reserve some of that energy.

Also, be mindful of how you talk to yourself. You’re allowed to be disappointed with how things are ending or feel angry or defeated. Again, I strongly recommend therapy if at all possible because you could be dealing with PTSD from the past few years—and that might not fully bloom until you’re in retirement, so it’s good to nip it in the bud.

You have done so much and I hope people are able to show you the kindness you have shown others over the years.

Be kind to yourself, my dear.