Dream Momma: wedding photographer's nightmare

Hi, Dream Momma, Welcome back. I’m a Tampa Bay area photographer and I had a dream last night that I was shooting a wedding and the ceremony was starting, there were 6 guests standing in the front all with professional cameras. I told them very nicely that I do not allow that and one of them punched me in the face and another in the stomach. I drove myself to the doctor and when I came back I missed the entire ceremony! LOL. I woke up worried that it was a Saturday and I was late!  When I came back and realized that I missed the entire ceremony I was nervous and told the bride and groom I was in a car accident.

Hi! Thanks for the welcome back and for this interesting dream. Dream Momma knows a number of pro photogs and any one of them could have had this dream it is so representative of what’s going on in Wedding Photography today.

Carl Jung and company did a lot of research on numbers based primarily on ancient myths, legends, and manuscripts, so first let’s look at the number six. Archetypically six represents many things, the biggest being the formation of the world after which God rested on the seventh day. But alas dear photographer Dream Momma fears you can more relate to another big archetypical meaning of six in your dream, the six Beasts of the Apocalypse (destruction).

In today’s wedding photog’s world death to their profession is seen as all those threatening and pushy wedding guests, digital cameras in hand trying to steal their shots (and their income). Now that’s an Apocalypic image! ‘Who needs to pay a pro’ some brides may wonder, ‘when Uncle Joe just got a new digital point and shoot.’ (Even as Dream Momma writes this it strikes fear in her photographer’s heart too).

So dear pro photog dreamer you are feeling very threatened by the amateur camera crowd to the point of allowing yourself to be assaulted, forgetting your purpose and losing your professional integrity (lying). Not good.

Dreams, always being our best friends, have come to your rescue. Your dream is warning you what not to do and that is feel assaulted (lose your purpose), run away and sacrifice your integrity. YOU ARE the skilled professional photographer hired by the bride and groom for their most important day. Be proud, be fearless, stay on point, keep your integrity, and then go out and kick some serious image ass!

Dream Momma

Dream Momma needs you help to gear back up after her sabbatical writing her book, The Dream belongs to the Dreamer. She needs dreams. Send them to [email protected] Thanks!


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