"Let's stop talking and do some walking": the Prancercise revolution (with video)

Joanna Rohrback.

"It's about self-expression, and liberating yourself from the fitness chains," says Rohrback, who looks like Rosanna Arquette's long lost biological mom."

I don't know precisely what hooked me — her smooth moves, the smooth jazz to mock-AC/DC/piano honky tonk rock studio soundtrack or the look of vaguely joyful abandon on Rohrback's face, but her Prancercise definitely has me intrigued.

Wanna join me? Grab your ankle weights, put on your tightest leggings and meet me on Bayshore!

This past winter did a number on my health, and I'm still dealing with the aftermath of the Bronchitis 2012-13 tour of my upper respiratory system — even today.

So, since I fell off my semi-religious routine of aerobics and outdoor exercise, I'm now 20 pounds mas, wondering what I've missed on the fitness frontier.

Sure, there's been a lot of god awful miserableness a la Insanity and CrossFit — boot-camp-style workouts that torture and bully you into shape with extreme calisthenics and PTSD. Not for me, thanks. I do not feel a masochistic urge for optional abuse, nor to partake of an activity that would plague me with flashbacks of screaming camo-short-shorts-clad SoHo women in headsets.

Delightful was what I was after, and I'm just prancing with glee that I found it in the form of Prancercise, a free-spirited walking/dancing routine you can engage in outdoors, conceived by fitness guru


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