Love horror? Love men? Check out this hot horror calendar.

I've never wanted Freddy Krueger more.

click to enlarge Freddy Kruger pinup - Ama Lea
Ama Lea
Freddy Kruger pinup

Robert Englund, forgive me, but if I'd seen Freddy Kruger the way Ama Lea portrays him, I would have not only feared him, I'd have wanted to take him to bed, too.

Photographer Ama Lea recreated horror scenes from films in her Year of Fear 2017 horror pinup/male objectification calendar, and Jason has never looked hotter. Also, Leatherface? Nice ass, guy (you're going to have to buy the calendar to see that one but trust me, so worth it). Lea clearly had some fun playing with the genre. 

click to enlarge "Love After Death", Ama Lea - Ama Lea
Ama Lea
"Love After Death", Ama Lea

Ama Lea shoots horror-related photos — I'm partial to "Love After Death" — as well as tangentially-related fashion and celebrity photos. 

Let's agree to call the calendar title ironic, because fear is not the reaction it inspires.

Follow Ama Lea on Twitter (@MissAmaLea). You can pre-order the calendar here.