Former Locale marketing director joins Columbia team

Columbia Restaurant Group hired Jeff Houck as its second marketing and public relations manager.

click to enlarge Former Locale marketing director joins Columbia team - Columbia Restaurant
Columbia Restaurant
Former Locale marketing director joins Columbia team

On Monday, the Columbia Restaurant Group announced the addition of Jeff Houck to its marketing and public relations team. Working on the Columbia Restaurant brand and new concepts, including the Goody Goody restaurant opening in early 2016, he joins Angie Geml as a second marketing and public relations manager.

Houck, who grew up in St. Petersburg, most recently served as Locale Market's marketing and public relations director, and also spent 25 years in journalism. For 12 of those years, he was the food editor, writer and podcaster for The Tampa Tribune.

Like fourth-generation Columbia co-owner Richard Gonzmart, Houck has a Tampa Bay family restaurant background. His great grandfather, Bruno Reitano, became a butcher and restaurateur in Baltimore after emigrating from Italy at age 17. Settling into Pass-a-Grille in the '40s, Reitano developed the Keystone Lounge and the Keystone Hotel and Motel.