Mayors Against Illegal Guns targets Rubio in new ad shown in Tampa & Orlando

Although not much has been made about it, the fact that Marco Rubio has joined 13 other GOP Senators to filibuster soon-to-be produced gun-control legislation is actually a radical thing, if you believe Rubio is seriously considering running for president in 2016.

Sure, it's seen as a way to stay in close contact with the conservative base of the party, where he joins Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and other Tea Party favorites (now including Mitch McConnell).

But with Senators Pat Toomey, R-Pennsylvania and Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia coming together to agree on the package proposed in the Senate, anyone who is against universal background checks looks increasingly out of touch on an issue that garners around 90 percent support around the country.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's group Mayors Against Illegal Guns thinks so. They've just released an add targeting Rubio that will air in Tampa and Orlando.