As Mitt Romney hits Tampa, Jon Huntsman unveils his economic plan

Regarding the tax codes, Huntsman would simplify the tax system by establishing three tax brackets at 8%, 14% and 23%. He wants to reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25% and providing a tax holiday for companies who bring bring back their profits that they currently park outside the U.S. he would also get rid of capital gains and dividends taxes, and do away with the Alternative Minimum Tax. He says the plan would be revenue neutral however, as he would eliminate all tax loopholes, deductions and subsidies.

He would also repeal the Republicans second most loathed bill passed in recent years - the Dodd/Frank financial reform bill. And of course, the health care reform bill (meaning all of the GOP candidates would).

(Oh, as an aside, did you catch former GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's comments the other day? The former Tennessee U.S. Senator and doctor had to be the first Republican of any substance actually praising the health care bill, saying he didn't believe the Supreme Court would repeal the bill.
."It's going to survive. It's not going to be repealed," he said).

Huntsman is the first presidential candidate to lay out a complete economic agenda, beating even President Obama, who will release his plan next week, as will Mitt Romney who intends to have a major speech on the economy next Tuesday.

As Mitt Romney invades Tampa Friday morning, his fellow Utah Mormon competitor, John Huntsman, has been making lots of news, though it's questionable if it will ultimately mean anything in the big picture.

It was revealed on Thursday that Huntsman had canned his campaign manager in New Hampshire, where the former Utah Governor is essentially basing his entire campaign on by doing well there. That news came a day after he unveiled his policy on jobs, focusing on streamlining personal tax codes, reducing business taxes, eliminating capital gains taxes, leashing “overreaching” regulatory agencies, pursuing more free trade deals, and producing more American energy resources. He also released a video touting his economic credentials:


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