Dreaming of breaking up

In a way we all yearn for an earlier time, a time when making commitments felt like living on Mars. We wanted to be on the road with Kerouac types or dropping out in legendary places like Haight-Asbury or living on a commune, romping naked through a field of flowers. Ahhh, the romantic notions of youth. They look so appealing when we get older. But wait! this dream is about your marriage as a symbolic union of your psyche. So ask yourself these following questions:

1.  How much have I internalized my husband?

2. Do the things we do together bore me?

3. Does my role as wife, in a deferential way, keep me from doing the stuff I want?

4. What does John R. symbolize? What kind of guy is he? Do I need some of his mojo?

Last and most important: 5. Have I grown since high school or have I lost myself in this role and/or relationship?

One you soul search and answer the questions honestly then get the guts to DO something about your situation instead of living romantically in your head. Read Gibran's On Marriage for inspiration.

Finally, life's a blast! Live it!

Dream Momma

Have a dream that bugging you? Tell it to [email protected]

Watch for the book, The Dream belongs to the Dreamer, Winter, 2010

"I dreamed I was in some kind of apt house or dormitory and a lot of my friends from high school were there.  I was looking everywhere for my girlfriends to ask them what they thought of me breaking up with my husband.  I kept meeting up with John R (he's from my work) and asked him what he thought about my decision.  Then my husband came in the bedroom and woke me up." (sic)

Dream Momma gets many of these dreams about ambivalent relationships.


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