The Cranky Copy Editor — October 6

What I’m pissed off about this morning today:

That it’s Heart Attack Monday. Which means I feel like I’m having a nine-hour-long heart attack. And that I couldn't get this post up sooner.

How the tables have turned: Remember a few years back when old-guard journalists dismissed bloggers as “guys in pajamas,” i.e., cranky assholes with an ax to grind against the liberal media? I do, because I was attending grad school around that time at USF St. Pete’s Department of Journalism.

Fast forward four years: I’m sitting in my pajamas as I type this. In fact, with our “digital or die” dictate from on high, a good portion of my weekends are spent in my pj's, working ahead on blog posts or figuring out how to keep feeding the beast. Hmm, maybe this isn't so bad after all …

The insufferably cutesy Point After by Gary Shelton and John Romano.

ESPN writers not named Gregg Easterbrook or Bill Simmons who think they can write funny.

That the Cowboys couldn't cover the spread against the Bengals.


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